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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dinner with my Family ?! Miracles do still happen >:)

RRS it isa sooowwww sweet that Ewe remember soooowww much of our time together from when you were little >:) im sorrriii 2 cry like a big baby buttt i js love you sooowww vrrrriiii much & it makes me truly happpiii 2 know you have not forgotten me >:) yessss i did teach you 2 ride a bike & yessss i taught you to swim & those crazzzeee roller blade thingamajiggerrrZzz >:)  & out of your whole life iv only had to get on you one time & il let that slide bc i love you! Im sooowww thrilled 2 bee here w you & your mom &  im sooowwww enormously proud of you for how brave youv been &  4 wat a loving gentle hearted soul youv remained! You RRR(999) your Aunties genetic code >:)
Z VRRRRIIIII BEST ISA Head  1116251128+@>:)
I Love You Sweetheart!
Aunt Mandy