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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happppiiii Thangsgiving 2 USALLLL >:) Love Always, Mandy

Hiiii Granny Thinkn of You & wish Pa were here n the physical with us Im sorry we aren't together today & tomorrow for grandpas bday but in spirit i know we are together bc the love transcends all barriers  & dimensions esp time & space. I Love You both dearly & am grateful for our memories & unconditional & un~ending acceptance understanding and most VIP your LOVE OOOO & your DNA !!  giggggllllzzzz! Evennn tho we all know i wz switched at birth >:)

2 THE Most VIP loves in my precious life you know how much you are loved bc you know you are loved by a Heavenly Divine Master Of The Entire Universe+++ Beyond Your Wildest Imaginations & Together As Family Of Z Kingdom Of God We Embrace His GRACE with devotion/reverence/Faithfulness #1248484888888889991