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Monday, June 22, 2015

2 Clyde... Just sent via txt msg. This goes 4 ALLLL Of U who lie to those who love you >:(

There are no longer memories to hold me to you bc our time together was nothing but lie after lie. You can no longer remember my smile or my voice, my lips or my touch with joy bc i believed you loved me. Now i know you never did. Every time you touched me was a lie & everything you ever said was just more lies. Thank your nitemare ILLEGAL wife for me bc she has screwed you worse than you screwed me & you're bonded to her thru eternity in Hell. I am leaving your life permanently. The woman you know doesn't even exist bc i was a woman reacting to constantly being fed lies/bullshit from you with fake hugs & a phony laugh. I was never the problem it has always been you. Your narcissism won out over the love that was sent to rescue your soul. 
Goodbye Clyde. 
I regret alllll of it except Joy. She will be the only positive experience with you i will keep. You will learn wat it means to be "totally unhappy" bc you make everybody else totally unhappy

Since You enjoy humiliating me so much like i am a joke. This is the truth bc you see you & your girls meant everything to me. I risked my life for you just so you cud make a mockery of me. Well now we see clearly whom ISA(911) Z(8)Fool. The worst ISA(911) ahead bc Z(8) Reality hasnt hit you yet. Butttt Will.

We both know the truth no matter how you try to spin it. It has alll been documented & captured. The lengths that were taken to set alll of this up. Sorry to say buttt it ISA(911) deal breaker for EVERY SINGLE ONE WHOOT ISA(911) Involved. God Seas ALLLLL