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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Lunch With Z Matriarch Z Grand~Mother Of Haiti >:)

I enjoy myself moore than i do with my own "family". I get along better with a woman whom speaks maybe 3 words of English & me 3 words n french n spanish than i do with sumone who only speaks English. I feel moore myself n the company of foriegn internationals than i do with my own kind. I feel loved, cared for, nourished, protected, safe, fed, understood n mostly~ peace filled >:)
Merci Beaucoup Mademoiselle Yvrose Y Flarance Y Stephan >:)

Ps... Knottt shore how Z soup wz made buttt it put the devil on z move & chased his wicked evil filled demon buddies out with him! giggggllllzzzz! FIRE  >:€